Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God
we humbly come before you to seek your intercession for Peace in a chaotic and dangerous world.
We confess that we are all guilty of repeatedly wounding your Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of your Son our Lord by our actions.
For these offenses we offer to you our prayers and our devotion in reparation.
We ask for your succor during these difficult times where peace is seemingly so far away.
We earnestly seek your intercession with the Holy Trinity to bring Peace into the world, our country, and in our families.
Mary Most Holy, our petition is for you to seek the grace of the Holy Spirit to imbue us with a more perfect Christian love and compassion in each of our hearts.
We recall the requests you made of us to pray Your Holy Rosary and fervently to follow your Son our Lord.
When turning to you for aid, we trust in your promise to never leave us unaided and to advocate for our requests with your Son.
Now, in the midst of violence and division, of every imaginable form, as well as glorification of secular values, and world-wide conflict,
we most earnestly pray for your Immaculate Heart to lovingly intercede with the Holy Trinity for your children to grant the grace necessary to effect peace in this time and in the region of your birth the Holy Land.
V. Hail to you most Immaculate and Blessed Mother of our Lord and God, Our Lady of Palestine,
R. Pray for us to have the gift of Peace.