On Thursday, March 21st 2024, the social department at the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, organized a special day for the Women residing in the Old City of Jerusalem, in partnership with the Latin Parish of Jerusalem, on the occasion of Mother’s day.
25 women participated in the event. Fr. Ayman led a spiritual reflection and discussion. He said: “The biggest blessing in the family is the Mother. She does everything with Love for her children and family. She is the true example of sacrifice”.
Then, Ms. Dima, LPJ director of the social department, shared a message of hope and linked Mother’s day with the coming of spring. "Spring brings new blossoms, and like wise every day presents us with new hope and new opportunities. Despite all that is happening around us, there is always hope and a new beginning that awaits us”.
In the end, presents and flowers were gifted to the participants.